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Family & Children's Events

June 12, 2024

Congratulations to this year’s Garden City Historical Society Children’s Art Show participants! Held on June 12th, the show was a huge success, featuring over 500 pieces of art from the amazing students in Garden City schools.  It was a great chance for young artists to show off their talents and creativity. 

President Bill Garry remarked, “The Garden City Historical Society strives to provide community enrichment programs and events.  Our Student Art Show ranks as the highlight of our year.  It combines a strong collaboration with the Garden City Schools and a Village-wide outreach to families to advance the field of Art among all Garden City students.”  

Inspired by the cool work of artist Jen Stark, this event is a team effort between the GC Historical Society and Garden City Schools.  Led by Jessica Jones, Director of TGCHS, Amanda Hausser, Director of Art and Music for Garden City Schools, and supported by the intrepid and dedicated volunteers from the Garden City Chapter of The National Charity League, as well as the Historical Society Board Members, the awards ceremony was held on the lawn at TGCHS and the exhibition was on display in the historic 1872 Apostle House museum.  The award winners, along with their families, friends and dignitaries from the Village and Nassau County, enjoyed refreshments provided by Key Food and celebrated the winners. 

Jessica Jones shared her enthusiasm, saying, “What I love about this event is how we work with Amanda Hausser and the art teachers to set a theme that we think would resonate with the students and provide guidance, but then it’s up to each art teacher how and when they roll the concept out to each grade.  This provides flexibility and true collaboration.”

This annual event wouldn’t be possible without the fundraising efforts throughout the year.  To get involved, or support next year’s show, contact the Garden City Historical Society.  Thanks again to everyone involved for their dedication and support.  We can’t wait to see what next year’s show will bring!

To view all of the beautiful artwork from this year's contest, please click below.


109 Eleventh Street

Garden City, NY 11530


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